Thursday, May 17, 2012

A surprise and PTCs

I was told yesterday that my application to renew my license was denied. So I had to meet with my boss, who was not happy about it. Then had to call the state and they yelled at me and made me feel horrible. How was I supposed to know that when they met my supervisor, they meant her supervisor. Anyway, after paying a fortune to overnight it, taking my prep time to take care of everything, they should be sending my license within the week. What a horrible surprise!

I then had PTCs. All of them came but 5. I had my 3 Spanish conferences and they were so much easier this time. I listened to myself talk and I am talking faster and better. I love how we can understand each other. I still understand better than I speak but it is coming. They love how I can speak and understand it so much that they vent all of their problems to me about everything from the school to their child not doing chores, etc... I just sit there listening understanding 95% of the conversation and not knowing what they want me to do.

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