Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Goals and No Voice

So I didn't write yesterday because I had a complete meltdown. It was bound to happen right? With all of the pressure and stress that I am under, I am surprised I lasted three weeks. I felt defeated and felt like packing it up and going home. That is what the last teacher did. Once a week I meet with my mentor to discuss everything and I just lost it. Luckily I kept it together until then. That is when my voice started leaving. I had had it! I could not teach anything because as soon as I would try, I would have to deal with 15 different discipline problems. So my mentor told me to set my goals more realistic, be patient with myself and with them and keep being consistent. She also suggested having my coach model a lesson for me and see how she handles my students.

So she did today and my students were the same way for her. She did show me some ways to deal with them. We also talked about how taking care of myself makes me a better teacher. So I am going to try to get more sleep, drink more water, eat healthier and I went back to the gym today. I did it, I admitted I needed help and I got the help I needed and I feel better about everything.

Teaching without a voice can be difficult, especially first grade. Well, on my mission, my voice left for 3 weeks while I was training a greenie and we still managed to do our work. So I continued teaching in anyway that I could and surprisingly we got a lot accomplished and my assessments showed that they learned. My super hard, challenging children are suddenly doing wonderfully. It is amazing how when parents, teachers and students work together, miracles occur. Finally, I was pulled away from my class to go translate in Spanish for a student who just got suspended and his mom didn't understand it. She was so happy and understood me perfectly:) They said that I sound more Mexican with my voice like this. Who knows..anything to help me sound less white.

So I still love teaching even though I had a complete and utter breakdown. I am told it is common your first 1-3 yrs:)

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