Thursday, February 23, 2012

No se

Well I had my behavior intervention meeting with a student and both sets of parents and the principal. It went surprisingly well. We got a lot accomplished. I was so proud of myself for using everything I had learned in communication classes in the meeting and my principal was as well. I used "I-messages" such as, "I feel sad when I am trying to teach you and you don't want to learn." I also used active listening techniques such as, "So what your saying is..." Most everyone was on board and my principal was behind me the entire time. However one of the parents did not want us to do any kind of reward system. He wants to put so much fear into him that he will force him to behave. He came two hours away to be at the meeting!

Oh I had another father come in to watch centers because he thought his student said, "we rotated from different sinners today." I could not stop laughing but the father was very concerned and did not think it was funny. "Yeah, I am going to have them rotate from one sinner to the next!" Oh parents are hilarious:) I also had a meeting after school with the dean of a university for grad school. I was the absolute youngest there looking into masters programs. I felt like a toddler in a high school. I hope to start my masters this summer. 

Let's see, I got another shining observation today from my principal. I had 16/20 students turn in their stories to be graded. I have to have their results for the district tomorrow. So since it was so freezing cold with the wind chill, I kept my kids in for recesses, we finished our stories and the second one, we watched a movie. The kids who wanted to go out could but only two chose that choice. Honestly their favorite reward is time with me: playing games with me or lunch with me, etc... Oh I am so proud of them! I have another observation with my coach tomorrow and the last one did not go well so I am hoping this one does. I also had to leave work early so I have to be there tomorrow at 6:30 am (and I thought a mission was hard;)

Thank heavens for Fridays:)

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