Wow where do I begin. My new student is amazing! She is the sweetest child and already loves me. My class welcomed her in with open arms and treated her like she had been here the whole time. I love my class! Twenty-two first graders is a lot of work but 5 went home sick and two were already home sick so it was a great day. I feel bad to say that my day goes better when certain students are not there but it does. I love all of my students equally but some students are just easier. I love them more when they make my life easier, not harder. However, I love finding a solution to my tough kid's problems and seeing how much they have grown.
Anyway, I found some newspapers in the recycle bin and I thought that my students would enjoy learning about current events (praying there was not bad pics or bad stories in them:) Oh my goodness, I have never seen first graders so excited. It was like I told them I am taking them all to Disneyland. Seriously, they were showing me the weather, their spelling words in them, the funnies, the ads, etc... It was awesome to see them see a newspaper, many, for the first time. It was Christmas in our classroom! They even chose their writing prompts from the newspaper.
The music teacher cancelled music and did not tell anyone. I would not have cared except that is when I eat lunch because I had lunch duty. So I borrowed a movie, had someone watch my class, and ate lunch. Thank heavens I did because right after that, we had visitors.Yep, I had an inclination that I would be JPASed during writing so to be prepared. Well I was and it went very well. Well I feel it did. I am amazed at those times when I feel like an evaluation went well and the evaluator disagrees. I find out next Mon so we will see.
I was so impressed with my kids that they earned, get this...82 compliments! They acted very well while I was getting JPASed. Plus, my intern was in the room helping out with my last hardest kid! It went very well. Hopefully my bad JPAS when I was sick can be countered with this good JPAS. Favorite quote of the day, "Miss Newbold, Mrs._______ and Mr._________ were whispering that we were acting so good." I rewarded them by letting them play math centers until the end of the day. So if I still get evaluated daily then ok but if not, that is ok too. I am definitely being watched over:)
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