Thursday, March 15, 2012

What a freakin long day! Oh my gosh!! Ok so I decided to go back to work...big mistake! I walk in to find my room a complete disaster. I mean even my personal things were strewn about. I am guessing the substitute because I know my kids would not do that. Then I find my boss wanting to talk to me. Apparently my sub did not show up when I left early. Perfect. Then I got a parent phone call and another parent came in to see if I was fired. My goodness I take one one sick day and everyone thinks the worst. The parent thought that she got me in trouble or fired because she saw a immediate opening for a first grade teacher. My boss and I could not stop laughing. Then my mentor came in with an assignment that I have to do by the end of May. This all happened before school started. I suddenly wanted to go back to bed.

Then my kids were horrible today. I guess with all of the subs, they forgot how to act. So I decided to just get through the day. After all, it was not like anyone was going to observe me my first day back. Right? Wrong!! After recess, my principal walks in from someone from the district to do what? JPAS me! Yep, the biggest observation of my career. Am I ready? Nope. I suddenly get my flu-like symptoms back--all of them. I have many thoughts running through my head. How am I not going to throw up in front of them or worse? I thought of running away? I thought of faking a heart attack, seizure, etc... Then I decided to just go face the music and do my best. Mistake #2--it was horrible. My kids were horrible. I had to kick kids out pretty much. I had to do so many things as nauseous as I was and I wanted to scream at my kids. They have NEVER been that bad. I wanted to cry. So I talked to my boss afterwards and she didn't seem to be hopeful that I passed. She just said well if you did not, we will help you. 

So I think I am good to go, right? Mistake #3--I check my email and find out one of my observers wants to discuss it with me early tomorrow. So I cleaned and sanitized my room, wrote lesson plans, and went to Walmart for our St. Patrick's Day celebration tomorrow. Before I left, I was asked to proofread a recommendation letter for my team lead. I am so exhausted!

Good thing: I acted out the "Three Little Pigs and kept my students engaged for 1 hour! I didn't pass out or throw up.

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